Thursday, 7 August 2008

Implementing IDisposable

Here's a test class which implements IDisposable and shows the methods and implementations you need to include:

class Test : IDisposable
private bool isDisposed = false;


protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// Code to dispose the managed resources of the class
// Code to dispose the un-managed resources of the class

isDisposed = true;

public void Dispose()

The type initializer for '...Configuration.ObjectBuilder.EnterpriseLibraryFactory' threw an exception

Saw this error today:

The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.ObjectBuilder.EnterpriseLibraryFactory' threw an exception

A quick googling tells me that I needed to add a reference into my project to Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll

I added that in and hey presto, problem solved!